Wednesday 12 September 2012

Great news from Homeopathic Hospital in Bristol.

Great news from Bristol, regarding the fight to keep the homeopathic hospital there:

Dear Friends,

You may have heard the good news already that local pressure from the Friends of Bristol Homeopathic Hospital, its chairman Clive Oakley attending meetings with the primary health care trusts, John Cook, the guardian of homeopathic hospitals and his tenacious colleague Cristal at the British Homeop
athic Association, challenging the legality of proposals to cut the service, and campaigning by local LINKS and other campaigning organisations around the region and the country, has forced the Bath PCT to drop their plans to cut the homeopathic referrals and they have agreed to continue to fund the homeopathic service - ie GP referrals to the homeopathic treatment with the excellent doctors at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital and their outreach clinics in Bath and Devon will continue.

This is very good news!

We will be spreading the words and thanks to supporters. Thank you for your continued support and campaigning energy.

Please stay in touch and be ready to support the provision of homeopathy in the health service if any other area tries to undermine this service.

Friends of Bristol Homeopathic Hospital

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