Friday 22 November 2013

A great piece of research from Israel! Sleep deprived rats have better attention and motor skills following treatment with the homeopathic remedy Cocculus 30. Spot the placebo! :)

 2013 Dec 3;253:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.08.021. Epub 2013 Aug 22.

Plant-derived nanoparticle treatment with cocc 30c ameliorates attention and motor abilities in sleep-deprived rats.


The Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Behavioural Neuroscience Lab, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.


Sleep is an essential physiological process that underlies crucial cognitive functions as well as emotional reactivity. Thus, sleep deprivation (SD) may exert various deleterious effects. In this study, we aimed to examine the adverse behavioral and hormonal effects of SD and a potential treatment with Plant-derived nanoparticle treatment - cocc 30c. The study was a 4-arm trial with randomization and double-blinding of verum and placebo treatments. SD was induced by using the Multiple Platform Method for 48h. The effects of SD were evaluated behaviorally (pre-pulse inhibition (PPI), startle response and rotor-rod) at baseline as well as at 6, 12, 24h, and 14days post deprivation. cocc 30c treatment was administrated Per Os every three hours starting immediately after baseline tests and for a period of 24h. On day 14, blood samples were taken and serum levels of corticosterone, testosterone, serotonin and leptin were tested. We found that cocc 30c improved PPI 12 and 24h post deprivation, likewise, cocc 30c improved motor learning. On day 14 SD led to increased startle response that was ameliorated by cocc 30c. Likewise, SD led to increased levels of corticosterone and serotonin while decreasing testosterone and leptin. Interestingly, cocc 30c treatment has moderated these hormonal alterations. We conclude that the treatment with cocc 30c recovers both short-term behavioral and the long-term hormonal modulations following SD.
Copyright © 2013 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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