Thursday 10 October 2013

Note from the society of homeopathy

Long-Term Conditions House of Commons submission update
In our last e-bulletin we informed members that the Society's research consultants responded to a House of Commons Health Committee enquiry on the Management of Long-Term Conditions with an evidence-based submission describing homeopathic strategies that can potentially help in this area. We are pleased to report that Prof George Lewith (Southampton University) and Dr Peter Fisher (Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine) have been asked to make oral presentations to the Health Committee and represent the homeopathic perspective. We like to think our submission played a small part in their being called up by creating a documented body of evidence and suggestions of how homeopathy might help. The research consultants are also currently preparing another paper in response to an enquiry by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance with evidence on how homeopathy might help in addressing it.  

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