Thursday 25 July 2013

Many women experience pain with the menstrual cycle - and homeopathy can help. A few of the remedies most often called for include Belladonna, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Magnesia phos., Nux vomica and Sepia.

Many women experience pain with the menstrual cycle - and homeopathy can help. A few of the remedies most often called for include Belladonna, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Magnesia phos., Nux vomica and Sepia.

Here are a few indications for their use:
Belladonna: Throbbing sometimes violent pains, worse on right side, sudden onset with feeling of uterine fullness. The flow can be bright red, gushing and clotted.

Chamomilla: Intense labour-like pain with the flow. Pain at times extending down inner thighs. Profuse dark, clotted flow with occasional gushing of bright red flow. VERY irritable. Can feel better rocking.

Colocynthis: Cramping pain that is relieved by bending double or hard pressure. Pain can be so intense that the patient feels like vomiting. Can also be irritable and indignant. Symptoms are worse from anger and lying on the painless side.

Magnesia phos.: Pain relieved by HEAT and pressure. Pain lessens when flow begins. Hot baths and bending relieve pains.

Nux vomica: Cramps can extend over the entire body. The pain may come with an urge for a stool. To require Nux vom., the patient must be irritable, impatient, competitive, hard driving (a type A). Patient often craves fats, spicy food, alcohol and other stimulants.

Sepia: Burning colicky pains are common in a cycle that is usually late or unreliable, and light. Pains are felt in the uterus - with a feeling of heaviness. Weariness, irritability, and wanting to seek solitude are often features of the case. Sepia patients are often passionate sun worshippers. If your patient has an aversion to the sun - Sepia is unlikely to help.

Dose with either a 30C or 200C potency to start - placing one pellet in water, stirring vigorously and taking teaspoon doses as needed. Always cease dosing when relief begins and only re-dose if symptoms again worsen.

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