Wednesday 10 October 2012

How to treat a patient with chicken-pox.

Mummy - I Can't Stop Itchin

Getting the chicken-pox used to be a right of passage in childhood.  Not any longer.  Like everything else -  now there is a vaccine to prevent chicken-pox.  However -  some people believe that there are inherent risks with all vaccines.  With the chicken-pox vaccine - some believe the risk is of seizures and even pneumonia.
For close to 200 years, homeopaths have successfully treated patients with chicken-pox - gently and safely.
Let's look at the handful of remedies that are often called for in cases of chicken-pox as described by that old master Margaret Tyler, M.D.
Aconite:  Early cases, with restlessness, anxiety and high fever.
Antimonium tart.: Delayed or receding, blue or pustular eruptions.  Drowsy, sweaty and relaxed; nausea.  Tardy eruption, to accelerate it.  Associated with bronchitis, especially in children.
Belladonna:  Severe headache: face flushed; hot skin.  Drowsiness with inability to sleep.
Mercurius:  To be used should vesicles discharge pus.
Rhus tox.: Intense itching.  "Generally the only remedy required; under its action the disease soon disappears.

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